Franchise Opportunities in Anderson, IN

Browse businesses looking to expand in and around Anderson.

Located in the Hoosier State, as of the 2010 census, Anderson had a population of 57,282. This makes Anderson the thirteenth-most populous city in the state of Indiana.

Are you looking to own your own franchise business in, or around, Anderson, IN? Well, you are in luck! Browse any of these multiple franchises, shown below, to request FREE information about the opportunities that interests you or click here to see the full list of franchises looking to expand throughout Indiana.

Franchise Businesses Looking to Expand in Indiana

  • Matt The Franchise Guy

    Matt The Franchise Guy

    Investment: $100,000

    If you are considering buying a franchise, my exclusive information and experience could be of tremendous value to you. I am not a sales rep, nor am I associated with any short, random list of franchisors; Rather, I'm a Franchise Consultant with 30 years in the industry, and I've owned 4 businesses myself so I know the impact these decisions can have on you.

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  • FranServe - Need Help Buying A Franchise?

    FranServe - Need Help Buying A Franchise?

    Investment: $30,000

    If you are looking to own a business and have a minimum of 30,000 in liquid available cash, let us help you in deciding which business offers more reliability & profit than another. We are the bridge that will connect you to the right franchises

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  • The Franchise Explorer

    The Franchise Explorer

    Investment: $60,000

    I offer a FREE assessment that tells you what type of franchise will suit you best. My clients need to be prepared to invest a minimum of 60,000 in a franchise.

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  • FranNet - Become a FranNet Consultant

    FranNet - Become a FranNet Consultant

    Investment: $75,000

    Are you looking for a better career path? Would you like to help other people start a business and help your community to grow? Would you like to be a part of an organization well-known in the franchise industry for its experience, expertise and ethics? If you answered YES to any of the above questions, a FranNet franchise consulting franchise could be your ticket to long-term success. Inquire today and watch our video to learn more about becoming a FranNet Franchise Consultant

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Anderson, IN

City Statistics

Listed below you will find population, income and education related statistics, as well as other pertinent information, for Anderson, IN.

Age (median)37
Male (median)34.8
Female (median)39.4
Total Population57,282
When compared to the state's average median age of 37.2 years, Anderson's median age is 0.2 years younger.
Individual (median)$18,366
Household (median)$33,854
When compared to the median income of individuals working in Indiana, Anderson's average income is $6,587 less than that of the state.
Highest Eduction Level
No Degree and/or Diploma2%
High School Diploma and/or GED63%
Associates Degree13%
Bachelors Degree15%
Masters Degree or Higher8%
Anderson has 11% more citizens, with only high school diploma and/or GEDs, than the state's general population's average, in Indiana.
Additional Information
ZIP codes46011-46018
County NameMadison County
City HomepageVisit this City's Official Site
*Information provided via US Census Bureau

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